Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sister Coretta Scott King 1927 - 2006

As I listen to TV One's broadcast of the homegoing service of Mrs. Coretta Scott King, I marvel at the history that unfolds every day.

I saw the bright faces of her sisters-in-laws, her mentees now over 60 years old, in addition to the widely known legends like Dr. Maya Angelou. Wow!

Coretta Scott King was a woman of strength and character from birth. Trained as a classical concert singer, she met Martin Luther King, Jr when she studied at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. She was already an activist and naturally she attracted an activist, to the nth power.

And she had a sense of humor.

Father Michael Pfleger said so aptly, "Thank you for teaching us that a single parent can raise a family and can raise a movement."